Work at Graphext

Data Science Solutions

Actively Hiring
We are looking for a data science solutions expert, curious and communicative, with experience in data science or data engineering consulting, to join our Madrid-based team

Who are we looking for?

  • Very curious and smart: Likes to have side projects, or has a Ph.D. but dislikes academia. Enjoys solving client problems and asks many questions for a clear understanding.
  • Good communicator: Enjoys writing. Maybe active on Twitter or LinkedIn or writes a newsletter or blog.
  • Startup-friendly personality: Comfortable in a startup setting, adaptable to changing agendas and goals.
  • Data Science/Data Engineering experience: Involved in various projects, ideally consulting. From ETL, to data exploration, visualisation to modeling or NLP. You don’t need to be an expert in each of them but understand the big picture and you are able to write basic SQL and Python.
  • You live in Madrid, Spain. Although we have fully remote positions at Graphext. For this position, we prefer someone who can come to our office (next to Puerta del Sol in Madrid) at least 2 or 3 days a week. It is a role that requires a lot of communication with team members, conveying a lot of tacit knowledge.

We are a product company, but we have realized the importance of adding value to our clients by helping them make the most of Graphext. We do this by supporting them during onboarding, advising them on what type of data to capture and how to shape it, and sharing best practices we have learned from working with similar clients on similar use cases like lead scoring, churn analysis, product recommendation, customer segmentation, NPS analysis using text etc …

In recent years, a series of complementary tools have emerged to capture data, gather them in a data warehouse, transform them, visualize them, and create predictive models: the modern data stack. Graphext is in the last part of the stack: analysis through visualisations and model creation, but we get many clients who need a hand with what comes before, and we also want to help them.

What We Expect from You

📊 Data Skills

  • Experience and knowledge of SQL and Python.
  • Comfortable working with cloud developments and familiar with the integration of public and private APIs.
  • Experience in building pipelines for analytics teams.
  • Experience in schema design and data modeling.

🗣 Communication & Soft Skills

  • Verbal and written communication skills. Being able to summarize calls and emails with a client is essential for team follow-up.
  • Curiosity and interest in data science, data analytics, and business problems.
  • A talkative person, usually having more questions than answers.
  • Energetic, self-motivated, goal-oriented, ambitious.
  • Quick learner, flexible, and willing to take risks.
  • Committed, organized, proactive.
  • You can communicate in English.

You get extra points if…

  • You know or have used DBT
  • You are familiar with Python and/or R libraries for data cleaning and exploration such as Pandas or Tidyverse.
  • Previous experience working with Business Intelligence tools such as Tableau, Power BI, Metabase...

What is it like to work at Graphext?

🎳 Who You Would Work With

The team you will join is one we are just starting to build at Graphext, so it's a great time to start building Graphext's professional services together.

Victoriano, one of the co-founders, and Andrés, COO, are the ones who open new opportunities and qualify business problems.

Moreover, you'll receive support from the entire Data Science team. Leading the team is Thomas, a doctor in artificial intelligence with over 10 years of experience. Working closely with Thomas is Jorge, both of them are in charge of developing the Machine Learning techniques we apply at Graphext.

On the product side, you will work with Álvaro, our Product Manager. He will give you context about the product roadmap, and you will provide feedback from the projects you develop. And Miguel and Manu for internal data.


  • €30K-€65K depending on experience and how much we feel you have to learn.
  • Permanent contract.
  • You can choose your own equipment. Although most work with MacBook Pro, you can also choose another computer with similar features. We also provide you with a screen, keyboard, and mouse in the office.

📆 How the Selection Process Works

  • The process can start right now by filling out this form.
  • We will contact those who we see meet the criteria of the profile we are looking for.
  • If after that call we see that we are aligned, a few days or a week later, we will invite you to do a test with us. It usually consists of spending a couple of hours working with us (via video call) on a specific data engineering problem with our team members. We want to see your skills, how you think and communicate, and of course, that you get to know us better too.
  • If after the test we are convinced that you are the right person for the position, we will make you an offer.
  • If you accept it, we would like you to join us immediately (if you are not working at that moment) or after 15-30 days if you are currently employed :)

Sobre Graphext

Somos un equipo de 20 personas con oficina en pleno centro de Madrid (Calle Arlabán 7). Nos dedicamos a hacer un producto de software para que la gente que ha estudiado ADE, Económicas, Biología, Caminos o Periodismo... puedan hacer análisis avanzado de datos. Para aquellos a los que Excel y los dashboards se les quedan cortos y tal.

Con Graphext intentamos que esos analistas, consigan hacer cosas más "predictivas" y “preescriptivas” para sacar conclusiones de los datos como si hubieran estudiado Matemáticas, Física o Informática y supieran escribir código en Python o R... para más de 50 casos de uso que vamos encontrando. Desde desarrollar fármacos nuevos, a entender por qué se producen ciertos crímenes o por qué se van los empleados de una empresa.

Creemos que las herramientas que hay ahora mismo en el mercado limitan o impiden que muchos de estos analistas las pueda usar porque: necesitas saber programar, no te guían prácticamente nada para descubrir qué funciones de limpieza de datos, enriquecimiento o algoritmia puedes usar para resolver determinados problemas de negocio, son muy poco interactivas y lentas (human in the loop), y sólo te dejan trabajar con datos estructurados (numéricos y categóricos) y se olvidan de todo lo que hoy día con machine learning se puede sacar de információn desesctructurada (textos e imágenes).

Cómo es el producto

En nuestro canal de Youtube encontrarás vídeos más explícitos: como este ejemplo o este otro de tipos de análisis que se pueden hacer.

En nuestro Twitter y blog también solemos poner más ejemplos regularmente de análisis que vamos haciendo.

¿Por qué hacéis este producto?

Es una larga historia que puedes escuchar un podcast de 45 minutos donde nuestros inversores nos entrevistan.

¿Es una empresa seria?

Victoriano y Miguel, empezaron a trabajar juntos en otra aplicación de análisis de datos ya en 2014, pero no fue hasta 2017 que la idea de Graphext tomó forma. Recientemente hemos levantado una ronda de $4.7M (en total hemos levantado más de $7M durante estos años) de inversores internacionales y de muchos de los mejores business angels técnicos de España.

Además de la inversión recibida para crear el producto de la nada, vamos añadiendo clientes nuevos mes a mes.

Dónde y cuándo

Nuestras oficinas están en pleno centro de Madrid, en la Calle Arlabán 7 concretamente. Puedes ver fotos en nuestro Instagram.

Actualmente todo el equipo, dada la situación, está trabajando plenamente en remoto.

En la vieja o nueva normalidad somos muy flexibles con cómo repartes tus horas de trabajo. Pensamos que vernos en persona a menudo tiene mucho valor. No todos los días, pero sí a menudo. Por eso puedes quedarte a trabajar en casa varios días a la semana sin problema, pero esperamos verte por la oficina también durante la semana. Somos un equipo pequeño y las relaciones de confianza que se generan o la capacidad de pensar en cosas creativas fuera del roadmap, de momento, pensamos que funcionan mejor en persona que a través de una videollamada.

Lo mismo con tus días de vacaciones. Puedes repartirlos a lo largo del año con toda la flexibilidad, coordinandote un poco antes con tus compañeros.

Con qué valores

  • Tenemos una cultura basada en la responsabilidad, somos pocos y no queremos tener más capitanes que marineros, así que contratamos gente de la que esperamos poder confiar sin tener que estar supervisando constantemente, con una motivación instrínsica por seguir creciendo profesionalmente.
  • Nos gusta la honestidad y transparencia. Creemos que casi todos los problemas gordos empiezan como maletendidos pequeños que suelen tener que ver con cierta falta de confianza que nace de no tener información suficiente.
  • Procuramos crear un ambiente donde la gente pueda hablar libremente, ser auténtica y empática al mismo tiempo con todos los compañeros del equipo.
  • Tratamos de tener las mínimas reuniones posibles.
  • Aunque somos una startup, entendemos que para ganar de verdad, esta va a ser una carrera larga y cuidamos de que nadie se queme. Si un día echas más horas de lo normal porque tenías flow (estabas inspirado) y querías acabar algo o había un fuego que apagar, trabajarás menos horas al día siguiente. No te vamos a tener días o semanas esprintando.
  • Esperemos que entiendas y hables inglés. No tiene que ser perfecto, pero sí suficiente para poder comunicarte. Por tu posición en el equipo, de momento, te relacionaras casi siempre con gente que hable español, pero somos una empresa con mentalidad global. Casi todas las comunicaciones externas e internas de la empresa se hacen en inglés, porque hacemos un producto para cualquier persona del mundo. Además tenemos miembros en el equipo que son extranjeros, que no necesariamente necesitan saber hablar español, y esperamos que con los años sigamos sumando extranjeros al equipo.

Why do we do Graphext?

We develop software for people who studied business, economics, biology, psychology, engineering, or journalism... and that now call themselves data scientists. Graphext enables them to do advanced data analytics without knowing how to write code for those creative people that find Excel and current business intelligence tools (like Tableau or Power BI) too limited.

We allow them to run analyses that are more "predictive" and "prescriptive" than descriptive, with the same power of analysis as if they had studied Maths or Computer Science and knew how to write code in Python or R... for more than 50 different use cases that we have identified so far... from developing new drugs, to understand why some crimes are growing o why the employees of a company are leaving.

Current data science tools demand learning to code in Python or R (which takes years until someone is fluid enough). These tools don't guide you either. Don't help you discover what methods and techniques are appropriate for different kinds of analysis (data cleaning, enrichment, modeling) to solve many business problems. These tools aren't very interactive (you need a quick feedback loop to understand what you are doing), and you can only work with structured data (numerical and categorical data). They miss all the possibilities we now have to analyze texts and images thanks to AI's latest advancements.

We highly value candidates who register for a free account and try Graphext before the first interview, and come with questions.

What does the product look like?

On our Youtube channel, you will find more detailed videos.

We also regularly post more examples on our Twitter and Blog.

How is this company doing?

The two co-founders, Victoriano and Miguel, spent the first years building another product that inspired them to later, in 2017 start Graphext. Recently, we raised a $4.7M round (we have raised more than $7M during these years) from international investors and many of Spain's top technical business angels.

At the same time, we also keep growing our revenue as we sign more and more customers every month.

Where, when, and how

  • We do have a very nice office in central Madrid, plenty of light, two terraces, and a BBQ :) If you happen to live in Madrid, you can come anytime. We are a global remote company by default, and we usually bring to Madrid all the people working remotely once a quarter for an entire week.
  • We are really flexible about how you administrate your time.
  • Really flexible about your vacations too. Just coordination with the rest of the team is required.
  • You will choose the machine which you would like to work on. Most of us are using Macbook Pro or MacBook Air. You will decide if you prefer Windows rather than macOS.

Our core values

  • Our culture is based on responsibility. We are still a small company, and we don't want to have more managers and individual contributors, so we focus on hiring people we expect to trust without supervising all the time, with a high intrinsic motivation to keep growing as a professional.
  • We like honesty and transparency. We believe most big issues arise as small misunderstandings and lack of communication erode trust for not having enough information to understand decisions.
  • We really do our best to create an environment where people can speak freely, being authentic and empathic at the same time with all their peers.
  • We try to have as few meetings as possible.
  • Even though we are a startup, we play a long game, and we care to avoid burnout. If you want or need to work many hours one day because you had flow, you were inspired, or there was an emergency, you will work less the following day. You are not gonna be sprinting for weeks.
  • We have a global mindset. Even though most team members are Spanish, we are open to hiring anybody from anywhere. We make sure people are comfortable communicating in English. Everything is documented and reported in English.