June 9, 2021

Models Special

🎁 Models

We're excited to say that we've added a new panel to your projects! Find Models after you've built a prediction model with Graphext. 

About Models

Models is designed to help you understand more about the creation and performance of predictions models you build. You'll find three tabs - General - Training - Result - each containing distinct information about your model. 

This information helps you unpick how your model was built, its strengths and weaknesses as well as how it performed in specific areas. 

“It takes characteristics of the individual as input, and provides a predictive score as output. The higher the score, the more likely it is that the individual will exhibit the predicted behavior.”

Eric Siegel

Why We Built Models

Examining the mechanics behind a model is a crucial aspect of ensuring that it's application is appropriate. We've included references to the technology used to develop the model, descriptions of its primary use cases as well as notes from our team on its performance.

Evaluating a prediction model helps us to understand how good the model is. Using accuracy scores and other performance metrics, we get a sense of whether the model is able to make correct or inaccurate predictions. Not only this, but through evaluation of a model, we can understand how to improve it by changing its factors or parameters. 

The Docs

Prediction can be pretty complex at the best of times. We've written a few articles to help you get your head around the concepts key to Models.

How To | Models 

Start here. This article walks you around the new Models panel - pointing out the different features and showing you how to use them.

Technical Docs | Training Models

Learn why and how to build models. Here, we explicate the process of building a prediction model in Graphext - considering the reasons for doing so alongside some of the key concepts involved.

Technical Docs | Evaluating Models

Use as a dictionary to your Models panel. As well as explaining the usefulness of evaluating models, this article offers explanations for all of the technical terms used inside your project's Models panel.

How can I start using it?

  • Build a project using Models → Train & Predict as your analysis type.
  • Once your project is ready, navigate to the Models panel.
  • Check the mechanics of your model using the General tab.
  • Inspect how it was created using the Training tab.
  • Inspect its performance using the Result tab.