Customer Experience Analysis

Empower Your Business with Text Analysis Harnessing AI to Unveil Customer Insights.

Graphext empowers your team to efficiently analyze large volumes of free text using AI models, providing actionable insights with just a few clicks.

  • Improve offerings and increase customer satisfaction.
  • Identify strengths and weaknesses
  • Identify customer sentiments, topics, and keywords.

Get everything you need in one platform and start seeing immediate value for your business.

Benefits For Your Business

Automate text analysis
Graphext enables the identification of sentiments, topics, and keywords, providing an aggregated view of responses that might be impractical to interpret manually. By combining unstructured data, such as text, your gain an additional dimension of business understanding.
Identify strengths and weaknesses
Identify emerging patterns, trends, or common complaints in your reviews or surveys. By recognizing these trends, you can proactively respond to issues, improve services or build on successful aspects similarly identified.
Improve offerings and increase customer satisfaction
With Graphext, you can obtain detailed feedback by analyzing  customers' experiences, opinions and preferences, which will allow you to generate actionable inisghts.

Why Choose Graphext for Market Basket Analysis?

Combined Structured and Unstructured Data Analysis
Graphext enables you to analyze structured data (such as ratings or numerical responses) along with unstructured feedback (such as comments or open-ended responses). You can identify correlations and relationships between them, thereby deriving more comprehensive and nuanced insights.
Seamless Integration and Updated Data
Graphext integrates seamlessly with most common data sources, such as survey providers and spreadsheets. Additionally, it allows you to refresh your project when new data becomes available. This means your analysis and subsequent insights are always up to date.
Unique Interactive UI
Graphext's unique user interface enables you to utilize sophisticated AI algorithms without the need for coding. It generates advanced visualizations, enriching your understanding and allowing you to convey insights in a distinctive manner

How it works?

Within a couple of weeks, you'll have your model integrated and ready for deployment.

01. Upload and Analyze Data
Upload your data effortlessly. Simply drag and drop a spreadsheet or connect to your database. You'll immediately receive a comprehensive overview of your data, including correlations, trends and many more relevant insights.
02. Discover Key Discussion Points
Utilize Graphext's automatic text analysis models to assess your open-ended texts. Ever wondered what the negative reviews are focusing on so you can address those weaknesses? Now, you can.
03. Monitor and Automate
By scheduling a recurring analysis, you can automate this process effectively. Your analysis will be updated with new data, enabling you to identify fresh trends or issues on a daily basis. This will enhance your ability to respond quickly and efficiently.

See it in Action

Access your data effortlessly and gain valuable insights instantly through Graphext's cutting-edge automated text analysis.

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Ready to supercharge your customer experience with AI-powered insights?

Ready To Get Started?

Join us for a personalized demo with our team of experts. Discover how Graphext can revolutionize how you identify strengths and weaknesses, improve offerings and increase customer satisfaction and Identify customer sentiments, topics, and keywords. Get everything you need in one platform and start seeing immediate value for your business.
2% to 7% Increased in Sales Revenue
Improving the Customer Experience (Source: McKinsey).
5.7 times more revenue
Brands with superior customer experience bring in more revenue than competitors that lag in customer experience
(Source: Forbes).
70% Higher customer loyalty
Companies leading in customer experience drive more trust compared to peers (Source: Boston Consulting Group).