Import and Export Data

Graphext craves data.

Datasets provide the raw materials for you to analyze in Graphext. They are organised intorows and columns. Each row contains one data point that typically hasa value for each column in your dataset. Columns are also known asvariables and hold a specific type of information on each data point.

Start from your workspace dashboard. You can load data from your computer into yourteam's Graphext workspace starting a new project. Graphext will loadthe data into your team's dashboard so you can start working with itstraight away or keep it saved for later. To discover how to loaddatasets stored remotely on services like BigQuery or Google Drive,see our article on Connecting Datawarehouses.

Learn about the file types Graphext supports here.



Uploading Files

Load datasets from your computer into Graphext. Starting from your Graphext workspace click the 'New Project' icon to upload a dataset file. The 'New Dataset' icon will then appear at the top right corner of the window.

Datasets that you upload will be added to the workspace of the team that you upload it in.



How to Upload a Dataset?

  1. Start from your Graphext workspace.
  2. Make sure you are working within the correct team's workspace.
  3. Select 'New Project'.
  4. Click on the 'New Dataset' icon.
  5. Drag and drop your file or select 'Browse File' and open it from your file explorer.
  6. Done... Your dataset will upload in the Datasets panel of your dashboard.


Combining Files

Graphext can combine multiple datasets that have the same structure. Zip your files together and upload them to Graphext to begin working with all of your data in one project.

Datasets that you want Graphext to combine must share a file type as well as having the exact same variable fields.



How to Combine Dataset Files?

  1. Locate the datasets on your computer.
  2. Compress them into a zip file.
  3. Navigate to your Graphext workspace.
  4. Make sure you are working within the correct team's workspace.
  5. Select 'New Project'
  6. Click on the 'New Dataset' icon.
  7. Drag and drop your file or select 'Browse File' and open it from your file explorer.
  8. Done... Graphext will process your datasets as one file, appending one to the other.


Need Something Different?

We know that data isn't always clean and simple.
Have a look through these topics if you can't see what you are looking for.