Manage Your Workspace

Projects are the home to your analysis and will often be explored by many people. In order to make things clear and easy to use, it is important to keep your projects organised and well administered.

You can change the information describing a project as well as sharing it with others or deleting it.


"The middle of every successful project looks like a disaster."

-Rosabeth Moss Kanter


Renaming Projects

Project names are especially important if you have a lot of projects in your team. As well as capturing the focus of your analysis, they make your projects searchable and immediately recognisable.

Choose a project name that is short and reflects the essence of your analysis.



How to Rename a Project?

  1. Start from the projects panel of your team's Graphext workspace.
  2. Locate your project from within the list of projects.
  3. Select the 3 dots on the right side of the project card.
  4. Select 'Rename'.
  5. Enter a new name for the project in the text box.
  6. Select 'OK'.
  7. Done ... You've made it much easier to quickly find your project and understand its purpose.


Adding Descriptions

Descriptions help others to understand the content of the analysis inside a project. To describe a project, start from the project info window inside of the project.

They should elaborate on the focus of a project and give details of the analysis you are conducting.



How to Describe a Project?

  1. Start from any panel inside of the project.
  2. Select the 3 dots in the left corner of the project's top menu - between the project's name and the Graphext logo.
  3. Select 'Project Info' from the menu that appears.
  4. From the 'Project Info' window, click inside of the 'Add description' text box.
  5. Enter a description for your project.
  6. Click outside of the text box to save the description.
  7. Done ... Change the description at any time using the same process!


Recreating Projects

Recreating a project duplicates the project you've been working on allowing you to work independently on both the original project and the newly created one. When you recreate a project, Graphext will reuse the exact recipe you used to create the original project.

The new project that is created will be identical to the original project apart from that it will not feature any of the segmentations or insights that you have saved. Recreating a project is a quick and useful way collaborate on a project.



How to Recreate a Project?

  1. Start from the project dashboard of the team where your project is located.
  2. Locate your project from within the list of projects.
  3. Select the 3 dots on the right side of the project card.
  4. Select 'Recreate as New Project'.
  5. A window will open with the details of your data on the left and a sidebar with your project name on the right.
  6. Enter a new name for the new project so you don't have two projects with the same name.
  7. Click 'Execute'.
  8. Your project will be recreated.
  9. Done ... Now share the new version of your project with other teams!


Deleting Projects

Deleting a project will remove it from the dashboard of any team that has access to it. Whilst this can be a good way to clean up your workspace, note that projects that you delete will also no longer be accessible from public URLs.

Since deleting a project is a permanent action, be sure that you want to delete it before you do so.



How to Delete a Project?

  1. Start from the project dashboard of the team where your project is located.
  2. Locate your project from within the list of projects.
  3. Select the 3 dots on the right side of the project card.
  4. Select 'Remove'.
  5. This action is permanent. Be sure that you want to remove the project.
  6. Select 'Accept'.
  7. Done ... The project will no longer exist in your project dashboard.


Sharing Projects

You can share projects with other Graphext users or teams. This gives people outside of your current team the ability to view or edit a project that you've been working on. When you share a project with another user or team, an email will be sent to all relevant users notifying them that you have shared the project with them.


Learn How to Share Projects

Share Projects Between Users
Share Projects Between Teams


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